Ottawa Birth Doula Care
Did you know that hiring a doula is an evidence-based way of nourishing the conditions for a potentially more enjoyable birth experience? This applies to whether you are planning to give birth in a hospital with a doctor or midwife or in a birthing centre or at home with a midwife.
The informational care your doula provides throughout pregnancy, birth, and the immediate postpartum period can help you discover the options available to you in your place of birth that match your personal values. We seek to offer information that is as evidence-based as we can find, as well as draw from our own professional experiences to outline what has felt good to many parents with similar values.
Doulas are skilled at anticipating your need to feel better when the sensations of pregnancy, birth, and the immediate postpartum period need coping support. We offer massage, acupressure, positioning tips and tricks, hydrotherapy/thermotherapy, the creation of an environment that feels relaxing for you, and strategies to reduce stress such as breathing techniques and leveraging your own unique sensory processing style, and anything else we can think of that will help!
Birth is a peak transformational experience. It is inevitable there will be great big feels along the way! Doulas tend to these emotions through deep supportive listening, ensuring you feel heard and validated.
Doulas are advocates for your birth preferences! As much as you and your partner/s (if applicable) can speak for yourselves in birth, the better. But there are high-intensity times in which your logical brain is not as active and speaking for yourself becomes difficult. This is when we can remind your primary care providers what your preferences are. We do not come with our own agenda, it is about what you want and need.
“Of all the ways birth outcomes could be improved, continuous labour support seems like one of the most important and basic needs for birthing people. Research has shown that labour support from doulas is both risk free and highly effective……Doulas should be viewed as a valuable, evidence-based member of the birth care team.” -Evidence Based Birth

Meet the MotherWit Doulas Night!
Come and meet the MotherWit Ottawa Doula Care team in person, on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Learn more about how a Doula can help during pregnancy , labour, delivery and after. Discover why Birth Essentials Prenatal Classes, in group or private sessions, are the most informative and interactive child birth preparation classes in Ottawa.
You’ve got this… and we’ve got you!
No Need to RSVP
If you can’t make it please contact us and we can arrange a free private meeting!

MotherWit Ottawa Birth Doula Care provides support at all Ottawa area hospitals and birthing centres as well as home births: Montfort Hospital, Almonte General Hospital, The Ottawa Hospital – General and Civic Campuses, Winchester District Memorial Hospital, Queensway Carleton Hospital. Maison de naissance de l’Outaouais, Gatineau Hospital and The Ottawa Birth and Wellness Centre.
Want to book a doula? Want more information?
If you are interested in working together, send us an inquiry and we will get back to you as soon as we can!